Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 59/365

I know I have skipped many days, and I will be posting pictures on the days I did take photos.

I however, want to post for today and what better day to restart on?

We're binky breaking Talon and it's going rather well considering some issues we've had come up. Today we reached a very positive milestone as well. Talon took his first nap without a binky! He didn't cry, fuss or whine for one. He didn't even seem to notice it wasn't there! I was so proud of him. He's growing up so fast and turning into such a big boy!

Todays picture is one I took of him right after he fell asleep for his nap today, binky-free!

Day fifty-nine:

Fallen Off

I have fallen off the Project 365 Wagon, and I was doing so good too! Ugh.

But I do want to try and continue from here at least. And I do have some pictures over the past two-three weeks that I've taken, so I will see what dates I have and post them here as well.

Maybe everyday is too much for me with everything that is going on in my life. I'm going to try and stay on track though.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 44/365

Talon is 17 months old today and he can count to 3! I am very proud! =)


Oh my word... my son is just becoming more and more of a handful. He definitely is being my little monkey lately. Climbing everything, and I do mean everything! I often wonder what he will possible learn to climb next. It's scary, and at the same time exciting. I am impressed with him and his abilities, yet I know how dangerous what he is doing is. I'm sure climbing and all the like is typical toddler boy behavior, but goodness... will he ever just relax and play with his toys?!LOL

Today, I placed him into his bed [the pack-n-play he uses] and went to put Aiden [his 15 month old cousin] down in his crib for a nap, I snuck into the bathroom for a quick potty break. When I came back into the room I found Talon out of his bed, and into a box! A big box that is up high. We created a barricade a while back to stop him from getting to the tv and such. It's made of a few boxes, and a comforter set that is still in the bag. Just items to keep him out. Well, he now likes to play IN the big (top) box. I guess I am taking that barricade down tomorrow! {or soon anyway}

I snapped a picture of the lil monkey devil... that is today's photo.

Day forty-four:

Day 43/365

For Friday, February 12, 2010

Today is my niece Lynsey's 16th birthday! Unfortunately, I am many miles away and unable to be there to celebrate with them. But I do wish her a very great year and many more happy years to come as well!

My cutie pie... He is so loving and sweet when I come home from work. Tonight he was sleeping and had fallen asleep before daddy was able to change him into pjs. Of course out of fear of waking him up, daddy doesn't mess with it and leaves it for me to do. I don't mind at all. I enjoy being able to cuddle with him a little when I get home. Tonight after changing him, he woke up for a little bit (about 20 minutes) and we just cuddled together on the bed. He was in a very loving mood and giving me all kinds of kisses and smiles! I loved it.

That's today's picture. One I took of our loving quality time late at night.

Day forty-three:

Day 42/365

For Thursday, February 11, 2010

Photo/description to come soon. I have to get the photos off my cell phone which I don't have with me at the moment. =)

Day 41/365

For Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Photo/description to come soon. I have to get the photos off my cell phone which I don't have with me at the moment. =)

Day 40/365

For Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Photo/description to come soon. I have to get the photos off my cell phone which I don't have with me at the moment. =)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 39/365

For Monday, February 8, 2010

We had an eventful day today. Talon had his first visit with his new doctor. Finally, after months of trying to get affordable insurance coverage, he has it. I really like his doctor and I think he'll be a good fit for us. We learned that Talon is small and I mean, real small. He's only 18 1/2 pounds and he should be around 25 pounds. He is "great" for height at 31 inches. But he has a small head too. Which his weight and head size concern the doctor, but we're waiting for records to be transferred so he can get an idea of Talon's size at birth and such. It's stressful for me.

Anyway, today's picture is just of him... in his old car seat, since we went with Aunt Chele today.

Day thirty-nine:

Day 38/365

For Sunday, February 7, 2010

When Talon is sleeping in my arms, I love to just watch him. I enjoy just gazing at him and knowing he is mine. Safe and secure, in my arms at that moment. Nothing else matters. I tend to "look him over" real well too. I exam his little eyelashes, his nose and ears. I look at his hands and tiny fingers. He has grown so much in the [almost] 17 months he has been on this earth, yet he is still so very small.

Today's picture is of his tiny little hand...

Day thirty-eight:

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 37/365

Ok, now that I'm all caught up on PODs... I can write this blog post.

I got so off track since being sick and just a lot of stuff. I've been real tired so I haven't had time for posting. Plus, I am working on a project (was two) that takes some of my online time. Hopefully I can stick with it and stay on top of it now.

I notice that since doing POD I don't really take any random photos like before and I miss that. I am always worrying about making sure I capture my POD, that I don't just pull out the camera for fun moments. In my "monthly" Talon folder I have VERY few pictures. This isn't normal. I'm going to have to figure a way to change this. But it's hard. I don't know why, it just is.

I always tell people that Talon is a dare-devil. He does things you wouldn't think he'd do. And he is PROUD of himself for doing them. I constantly tell his Grandma Dee Dee "if you saw what he did at home, you'd die..." and she would! I was able to capture one of the moments. It's not the most daring or scary thing he does, but still dangerous. This is Talon though. LOL

Day thirty-seven:

Day 36/365

For Friday, February 5, 2010

One of Talon's favorite toys is his ride on toy. He got this for his birthday and used it some but I guess he never really enjoyed it a lot. Then he could only go backwards and even that was tough to do on the carpet. Now, however, he can go forwards, backwards, all over the place and rather quickly with ease. So he truly enjoys the toy. I catch him playing on it often.

Today's photo is just on him playing on the toy early in the morning.

Day thirty-six:

Day 35/365

For Thursday, February 4, 2010

When I leave my son with my husband I never truly know what will happen. I am pretty sure he'll do an alright job with him and I always know my son will survive. And I always know that it will not be done like I do it, never. It doesn't make how daddy does it wrong, it just makes itdifferent. Though sometimes this does upset me and I wish he'd do it more my way and follow what I've told him. It's good for both of them to have this time together though. Since I work now, it's an adjustment we've all had to go through and well, are still going through.

Today's photo shares just this. When I came home Thursday night from work I found my son sleeping in his bed. Yet he was not dressed in pjs like I had asked him to be. He was also not wearing what I left him in, at least not all of what I left him in. LOL Daddy shared a cheese puff with Talon and he got it all over his shirt. This resulted in daddy changing him. He said he put the first shirt that didn't snap at the bottom on him. This shirt did not matched what so ever. My little boy looked like he had dressed himself. LOL It was truly funny, and cute. It made me realize that yes, daddy does it different but at least he did dress my baby...

Day thirty-five:

Day 34/365

For Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My [almost] 17 month old son likes to think he is 3 or 4 years old, and he is often stretching his limits. My fear is always that he will end up hurt. And that happens a lot. I hear it's part of being a parent to a little boy and that I should get used to it. I don't know if I ever will get used to it though. Talon is great at giving me hugs, kisses. He gives me such joy and happiness but in the same sense he also gives me such heartache when he nearly causes me to have a heart attack! He's testing his boundaries and limits with climbing lately. Pretty much if he can possibly climb it, he does or at least tries! Sometimes it doesn't end too well though.

Like today's photo. He climbed on the couch and tried to stretch over to open the door. Yet, he is not big enough to do so and he took a tumble. It was a pretty nasty fall since he landed on his ride on toy and bounced off! I was so shocked when he only had a small scratch/swollen red eye after such a fall.

Day thirty-four:

Day 33/365

For Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Talon enjoys books more now than before. He doesn't often let me read to him, and if he does it's a very rare moment we make it completely through a book. However, he enjoys his Zoe books that came with his reading system from Vtec that Aunt Keri got him for his birthday. He will sit andread them all the time now. He sometimes will use the system/toy with the books but lately he'd rather just hold the book himself. It's truly cute to see such a little guy enjoying a book.

Today's picture is one I captured of him reading his book.

Day thirty-three:

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 32/365

Ah, Monday...

I am feeling better but not 100% yet. It's been a rough sickness. I dreaded when Kenny had to go to work this morning. Since that meant I was home to take care of Talon alone. He did real good and let me lay in bed, but I wanted to sleep and I obviously couldn't. There was a period where he was overly tired and throwing fits. Around 10:30 he napped and that was heaven for me because I was feeling well enough that sleep came easily for me and didn't have any issues to wake up for. Around 12:30 he was up and playing. I tried to play with him some but that's hard to do. I think it was around 1:30 when my sister came up and took him downstairs for a while to play with Aiden. That gave me a little time to relax and try to kick this. When Kenny got home from work he brought Talon back up. It's just been one of those days. My only day off gone to a stomach bug... how unfair!

Today's picture is one I snapped of Talon throwing one of his lovely fits. LOL

Day thirty-two:

Day 31/365

For Sunday, January 31, 2010

After a long night out partying for my 30th birthday, I woke up feeling pretty good. Then come afternoon and I started feeling horrible. I caught the horrific stomach bug that hit this house a week (to almost two weeks) ago. Ugh. It is so hard to handle too. The first 24 hours are unreal. You seriously feel like you are dying. I'm on the mend now though and hoping to be much better soon.

Today's photo is one of my glasses. LOL I don't know why, but I felt like taking it. So these are what I see with everyday...

Day thirty-one:

Day 30/365

For Saturday, January 30, 2010

I'm 30!

To celebrate turning 30, I went out to City Walk with Jolene, my sister and BIL. We had a good time. I had a blast actually. I enjoyed the dancing and I even found a new drink I like, thanks to Jolene! I missed those in Wyoming that I'd normally be celebrating a birthday with though. You were all in my heart and thoughts for sure!! Since I wasn't sure how responsible I'd be with my camera out while drinking and having a good time, I left the picture taking up to Jolene. And since the day was my birthday, I figured naturally the picture for the day should be of me... Once Jolene get's the pictures to me (take your time girl!) I'll pick one and share it. =)

Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 29/365

An afternoon post! Which is good since after work tonight I have to run to Walmart for a few items. Talon needs some apples, oranges and bananas. He also needs more carnation instant breakfast. Kenny needs some more soda for home. I need to get a few other items too. I hate trips to Walmart late at night after getting off work. Because this week's schedule has been insane I have to go when I get a chance, not when is best for me. Anyway... lol

As I post often, Talon is growing up so quickly. Each day I see or hear him do/say something that he didn't just the day before. He now knows how to climb until the plastic chairs at the pizza shop. Not something I was happy to see at all. He'll end up with more bumps and bruises now. Lord help me or I guess him too! For about three weeks now he has been drinking from the little juice boxes. All on his own. He likes to hold them and everything. It's so cute and when I see him doing it, it makes me realize that he is not a baby anymore! He'll be turning 17 months in about two weeks. Where has the time gone?! Today's picture is one I took of him enjoying his apple juice. Such a big boy!

Day twenty-nine:

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 28/365

Kenny picked Talon up at the pizza shop on his way home from work. When Talon saw him, he blew him kisses. Kenny swooped him up into his arms and Talon rested his head on his shoulder. It was absolutely the cutest moment of the day! Sad for me too, in a way. Because they were going home together and leaving me behind. But, that's life. I'm glad Talon got to come home. Kenny took care of him and when I came home about 3 hours later, Talon was sleeping and content. I changed him into pjs since Daddy didn't. He was just too tired tonight (both really lol but I meant Kenny) to mess with a bath and pjs and the sort. He did give Talon a clean diaper and a sippy of milk with carnation instant breakfast in it. I cuddled with Talon a little before putting him back into his bed. I cherish those moments of content cuddles. My baby boy is growing up... getting so big!

Today's photo is one of his hand in mine...

Day twenty-eight:

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 27/365

Ah, relaxing moments. I cherish these. Lately they seem to be few and far between.

Today was a long day at The Pizza Shop. I brought Talon to work with me, which makes for an even longer day. It's just his favorite place to be, and I understand that. But Daddy's work schedule this week is awful and that means more time for Talon to be there with me. Poor baby. Tomorrow wont be too bad. He'll be there with me from around 3 PM to 6:30 PM. Saturday, will be the doozie of a day. He'll be there from around 1:45 to about 8:30... a long, long day. On the good side, daddy has a lot more hours this week which can mean a better paycheck!

Anyway, for today I am posting a [cell] picture that I took of Talon at the shop. Just spending some time together between lunch and dinner. We shared a bottle of water... Mmm.

Day twenty-seven:

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 26/365

It's late (when did 11:00 become late to me?! lol) and I'm tired. I just want to go to bed and sleep,but I have a few things I want/need to take care of online first. This post being one of them.

Today's picture is a great one to show my typical little man Talon. He was taking a nap and I had went to the bathroom. When I came back into the room I hear in his absolutely adorable voice "hiiii" so I said "What are you doing? What did you get into?" and he peeks over to see me better... and I saw it. He had got into the box of chocolates I splurged on for myself. He had ate a whole one and was working on number two when I came back into the room. LOL He is such a sneaky little boy!! I didn't get mad, I actually found it rather cute. Moments like these I realize he is indeed my son!

Yes, is was still wearing his pjs from the night before. I let him lounge until after his morning nap. LOL

Day twenty-six:

Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 25/365

I had a wonderful day with Talon. We went to Walmart, Ross, Payless and Target. We just hung out and did a little shopping. He was such a good boy too! Boy did we have a long day! And now I am so tired, I am ready for bed!

For his dinner I bought him chicken nuggets, apple slices with caramel (but he didn't eat the caramel) and chocolate milk. He ate almost two nuggets and ate what I'd say was about a quarter of a small apple. He had 3 slices of apple. He drank almost all the chocolate milk too! What a good muncher he was today! Yay.

Today's picture is of him munching down on an apple slice. He loved them!

Day twenty-five:

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 24/365

Talon got some clothes from Aunt Joyce for Christmas. In those clothes, were a pair of pjs. They are size 2T so really, really, big on him. But the other night he brought them to me and wanted to wear them. I tried to take them and put them up (they were in a box with his bigger "to grow into" clothing" but he cried and cried. He wanted them. So to appease him I put them on him. Though they are real big, he could wear them. And he was so happy and proud to have them. Apparently, they are a favorite of his. Because when I got home from work tonight, I found him sleeping cutely in these pjs again. Apparently, he got daddy to put him in them tonight too. They have to get washed tomorrow!! LOL

Too stinkin cute though! Thank you Aunt Joyce if you are reading this!

Day twenty-three:

Day 23/365

For Saturday, January 23, 2010

No excuses for not posting the photo for the day on time. I was exhausted when I got home from work, I cleaned up and got ready for bed. I laid down to sleep early. I did think about writing the post, but I felt too tired and thought the extra hour of sleep would help. And I think it did. I could have just quickly posted the photo and then went to bed, but anyone who knows me knows that that's impossible. LOL I would have done a lot more online.

Finally, after months... I have a deadbolt key to the house! LOL If you read the post on what happened the 4th, you'll see why this is a HUGE blessing... since I just got the key, I figured a photo was in order. I also got my own house key too! And I got hubby a deadbolt key of his very own. Woot... this is great! No more being locked out of the house! Yay!

Day twenty-three:

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 22/365

As a new mommy, I am often finding issues with taking your child out in public. One recent issue (well as of the past 4 months maybe) is that now Talon isn't in his little carry car seat, I often have no place to put him when I need to use the bathroom. I try to hold it or make sure I don't have to go out in public at all. I absolutely love stores like Babies R Us that have the infant sitters... that's genius! It's so hard to go with him. I have to hold him while I pull my pants down and what not and hold him while I pee... and ugh. It is too much really. Now, when I need to go and I'm at Walmart, I just visit the family restroom. Granted it doesn't have a sitter seat for an infant (which I wonder why not...). So I always wipe a cart down with the sani-wipes before putting him in the cart. Now, I just roll the cart into the restroom with me. He sits in it while I go potty and take care of business. He seems to like it alright and I definitely enjoy the ease of going to the bathroom. LOL

Tonight's picture is one taken with my cell phone of Talon in the cart, in the family bathroom at Walmart. Sporting his baby blue shirt that I think brings out his eyes.

Day twenty-two:

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 21/365

Well today has been so hard, and so long. Talon didn't go to bed last night until after 1:30. Then he was still up before 7! I didn't get a break at all. Ugh. And I am exhausted and feeling t that's for sure. Kenny has been sick for three days now, yesterday and today being the worse. He called into work. Thank God for personal days and him still getting paid for the call ins. He's starting to feel better and will be going to work tomorrow. Talon started feeling better today too but he s far from his 100% old self. Poor baby. But I am so glad he is doing better. My nephew Aiden was up vomiting and such two nights ago. Then tonight my sister started feeling real bad and has the vomiting and diarrhea. I hope I don't get whatever this bug is. It'd be so hard for me to be that sick right now. I have no true help. LOL

Talon is growing! Which everyone knows that. Since babies grow, and usually very rapidly. I had to purchase him some size 12 month clothing. The long sleeve 6-9 month shirts are too short on the arms. The pants he has fit pretty well but a few pair are turning into high waters. LOL It's crazy how he was fitting into them so well just a week ago and now they are small. So I ordered him some clothes from The Children's Place. They had some stuff on sale, for super cheap. I got it for him since he needs clothing. We have colder weather heading our way here soon. Anyway, the clothes from there arrived!!

And that's what the photo is of for today. I want to document his growth! That on January 21st, 2010, he wore a 12 month onsie! LOL

Day twenty-one:

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 20/365

Catching back up to one photo, and one entry a day! Ugh, I hate getting behind... yet I do realize that life happens and sometimes it will be a late post (or two). Especially, since things come up that are unplanned. Like the little visit to Grandma Dee Dee's! I do have a planned visit coming up in February to visit again (for my birthday) so I wont be posting on that day, unless I just do it through their computer.

Anyway, today is going alright. Now, Kenny woke up sick and not feeling well. He had the upset stomach and vomiting though. So he had to call into work and take a personal day. Thankfully the year just restarted and he has those once again. He is feeling some what better, so he'll be keeping Talon tonight while I go to the pizza shop to work. I can see them spending the night laying in bed watching Shrek, and maybe another movie a little more "grown up".

I noticed today, that on Talon's upper gum line you can see the white bumpy where his next tooth seems to be coming through. Looking at the photo it's the upper left, so his upper right. Of course, it might not be the next tooth but one coming in soon. I snapped a picture of it. You can see it somewhat on the photo. Whichever tooth is next will be tooth number 8 for him. He's slightly slow on getting them in, but they all appear to be healthy.

Day twenty:

Day 19/365

For Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I was going to post this blog entry last night but a couple of things got in the way. One, Talon is not feeling well and when I got home from work (around 10:15) he was extra clingy and just wanted me to hold him and be touching him in some way, even if it was just his foot. I guess he just wanted to know that I was there. I finally got him into his bed a little after 11. He slept until 3, and then woke up crying so I brought him to bed with me. Let me tell you, I had ANOTHER long and rough night. I don't even think you can call it sleep. And two, during the night while I was at work and Kenny was watching Talon, he got a hold of my camera. When I went looking for it after he was in his bed sleeping I couldn't find it anywhere. Kenny said he didn't remember Talon having it. So without it, I couldn't get the picture off for the entry post. LOL When Kenny came to bed very late (or early morning whichever) he found the camera under his pillow. So sneaky that little boy of mine!

The picture is one I snapped when we got home from Grandma Dee Dee's house. We were up around 5 AM, left about 6:20 and the ride home took about 2 1/2 hours, and Talon was so exhausted. He had such a rough night's sleep the night before, plus not feeling good AND it was near his regular nap time anyway. When we got home we laid down for a nap. It was short for me since Aiden woke up, but Talon rested pretty good. I took a picture of him snoozing...

Day nineteen:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 18/365

For Monday, January 18, 2009

Woke up and found out that my sister had plans with her kids, so I wasn't going with her to run errands like I had thought. Which was fine with me. That left me with a free day and since Kenny was also off of work, I decided to go to Fort Myers to visit my mother in law and sister in law. Just Talon and I! The trip was great, and I had a wonderful time like usual. I hate that it's always so short though. Maybe one of these days I can stay for two or three days. But this short trip was still fun and I am glad I went. I'll be back there in a month (little over a month) to celebrate my birthday. Yes, my birthday is in January and not February but I have some appointments coming up that I can't miss on the the 1st and 7th, then there's Valentine's Day and they'll be out of town. So Feb. 21st/22nd is what looks to work out.

During the trip, Talon started to not feel well. Early evening he just wasn't himself and he woke up crying and just uncomfortable, with a fever and stuffy nose. I had to run out for children's medicine for him, since I left his here. I just kept him in bed with me last night, which didn't matter anyway because he was up so often I got maybe 2 hours of sleep. I am exhausted today! And I can't wait for bed time already!! LOL

Monday's picture is of something that I love... my ever so old, laptop! It does a lot for me, gives me a lot too, including pains in the butt sometimes! LOL *Gasp* I know it's not a picture of Talon! LOL Don't worry... the next picture posted will be. =)

Day eighteen:

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 17/365

Good Evening!

It's about 8 PM on Sunday evening and I've had a really good day. It started off not so great with Talon waking up bright and early at 6:20 this morning! I felt unrested since I was up late and didn't go to bed until around 12:30. We were planning to be at the shop early since Kenny had to work early and again, the one car system got in the way. My sister Michele told me not to worry about coming in today. That they could handle it and if it got way busy they could always call me in. Worked for me! And then she said they were taking Aiden... which meant that today would be MINE. With just me and Talon. I absolutely love days like this. The time I get to spend with him and only him... it's priceless. Just as he is priceless to me!

I was going to just stay home all day. Do some laundry and cleaning a little. But then I decided to ride in with Kenny to work and I'd hit the mall for a little bit. We left the house without the stroller.. (doh!) I really need to get a new small one too. So first I headed to Walmart to see what they might have for cheap. I scored, or so I thought!, a pretty nice umbrella stroller for just $15. You know the saying "you get what you pay for"? Yeah...definitely true with this. It was a complete piece of crap. I couldn't even use it. Talon is still a little too small for it. Granted him being small isn't the stroller's fault. But the crappy wheels that wouldn't even rotate/spin like they were needing to, and the sharp pokey handles... those are all the design flaws on the stroller. It was easier to just carry him and then let him walk. Which, I don't mind letting him walk, he just doesn't do well at it yet. He wants to stop and look at everything AND everyone. It takes forever to get any one place. LOL He's still cute. So I am taking that stroller back tomorrow. Screw it. So much for cheap. LOL Regardless of not having a good/working stroller, Talon and I shared a wonderful day. I hit some sales at Sears and was able to pick up a few shirts for Talon for around $2.39 each. I still only got 4 since we are always watching money. I looked and looked for blanket sleepers that would/could fit him and were affordable... no such luck. Go figure.

I didn't bring my camera today. Why, I do not know. I guess I just spaced it. And today's picture isn't the best, but it's the only picture I took lol. So it is the post for today. Talon sporting his new rubber-style sunglasses. Too cute!

Day seventeen:

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 16/365

I'm exhausted. I had a very busy day at work and my feet hurt. Plus, I am just in general tired.

Talon loves his toys and he loves to just get right in the middle of them and play his little heart out. Which I absolutely love to watch. It's neat to see what he comes up with.

Today's picture is of him in the mix of some of his toys... so cute!

Day sixteen:

Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 15/365

I had a tough night last night and very little sleep, I am so tired but otherwise feeling much better. It seems that the babies (Talon and Aiden) are double teaming me today though. If it's not one getting into something, it's the other... or both of them at the same time. It's hard when you have to decide which baby is in the most serious/important situation to get them first. LOL I need another set of arms! I bet by bedtime tonight I will be extra exhausted.

Today I have just tried to encourage Talon to play with his toys and lounge around some, watching Shrek. Shrek is his favorite movie, and he is really into the musical parts. It's going pretty well. (Great, I smell a smelly diaper...)

I've noticed that it's starting to get harder to take pictures daily and then pick one to share. LOL It's only day 15... I need to come up with some fun stuff to do on days. That leads me to the picture I have picked for today. It's just a close up of Talon, happy and enjoying a sippy cup of water.

Day fifteen:

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 14/365

Ah, it's an early post for me today! It's 12:05 and it's nap time. Talon and his cousin Aiden are sleeping peacefully. I had thought about catching some sleep too but I have a lot to do in the next hour before heading off to work. Which, writing a blog wasn't part of the "to do list" but, it's fun and I have time, so here I am. I notice that some nights it is hard for me to come on and write, so I might try and post earlier in the day. I can today because the photo I am using came from some pictures I took earlier this morning at breakfast. =)

Talon loves oranges! He's liked them for a while now but the past few days he is in love with them. Yesterday he ate two small ones all by himself! I was shocked and so proud. Because no matter what it is, he is eating! And liking it. Which is great to me. I love to see him eat. It doesn't happen too often (as I've wrote before.) so this is great! Today for breakfast he had a small orange, half a banana and some dry Life cereal and milk in his cup. He ate all of the orange and banana and almost all the cereal. Awesome, huh? I think so!

I picked this picture out of those that I took because it shows some (but not nearly all) the excitement he had about his food, well mostly the orange on his tray! LOL I thought it was just too cute to not post it.

Day fourteen:

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 13/365

Today was a long day and I am exhausted now. I cut my left middle finger and it is so very sore that it hurts to use it at all, and typing is very painful. This will be short. LOL

I didn't take many pictures today. It was just one of those days, you know? But I did get Talon to sit down with me (on my bed none the less lol) and have a snack. He devoured two (small) oranges and part of another one, that was suppose to be mine. I didn't mind sharing. When he had finished the first one, and cried for more I gladly got another for him! If he'll eat it, I'll give it! So I was so excited about this. Tomorrow, we'll have another orange (or two, or three?) for snack too!

Today's a special day... Talon turned 16 months old!

Day Thirteen:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 12/365

Today was a good day. The weather warmed up some and the sun was shining most of the day. There was a breeze and sometimes the gusts of winds were chilly, but overall it was decent. While I was way early to work at the pizza shop, I took Talon to the park down the road. He loves going and he just really has a good time. It has been too cold to go lately, so we took advantage of the good day. We only stayed about 25 minutes because his nose was getting chilly with the wind. Yet, he had lots of fun in the short time we were there! So did I. I love just playing with him and we goofed around a lot. I had him laughing so hard while he was swinging that I had to stop in fear he'd fall out. LOL So much fun for sure!

Once again, a cell picture. The quality is not near as good but it is still a photo from our day and I really love it. I got a lot of cute pictures from today. This is the one I have picked for my blog post though.

Day Twelve:

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 11/365

Boy, right at this moment I am freezing! I'm laying here on my bed with my laptop, wearing a hoodie! Again.. not how it should be in FL!

Today was pretty much a day off. And I needed to get a few things from Walmart plus I wanted to use my gift cards I was given for Christmas. Since we are trying to save gas, I just caught a ride with my sister. I enjoyed a tall white chocolate mocha with whipped cream from Starbucks and let me say... OH YUMMY!! It was awesome! Much better at this Starbucks than the one I had at Celebration with Jolene. Also, with my Bath and Body Works gift card I was able to get a shower gel AND a body wash for $12.04... since my card was for $10, I only had to pay out $2.04! Not too bad at all! I bought from the 50% off bucket. LOL Go Me!! At Walmart I just ran and got what I needed and headed to the car to wait for them to get what they needed so we could get home. It was just after 7 when we got home and I was beat, but Talon was exhausted. He didn't nap. I put him down for the night [or so I thought! lol] and hopped in the shower to relax some. Talon woke up shortly after Kenny got home from work and spent some time with his daddy. I just cuddled him back to sleep and put him in his bed. Hopefully, he'll sleep well tonight. He's actually stirring about now. *sigh*

Over all a great day though! The weather wasn't warm enough for a park visit, but maybe next time!

Today's photo is one I snapped of Talon while we were in my sister's car. He was playing peak-a-boo with me and I just love how happy and excited he gets while playing. He's oh so cute in everything he does! This is a cell picture since my memory card on my digital camera is full. I must burn some CDs! LOL

Day Eleven:

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 10/365

Talon's having a tough time falling asleep tonight and it's driving me crazy. We got home from The Pizza Shop about 9:45. Immediately after coming home, I got him ready for bed. We laid down to cuddle around 10:10. It's been about an hour and he is refusing to sleep. Finally, about 10 minutes ago I put him in his bed awake. He is standing up, leaving over and wanting out. Why is he having such a hard time tonight? I hope he falls asleep very soon!

Last night it got so cold and even in our room it was chilly. I'm so glad that I dressed him in two pairs of PJs! Our big windows in our room just seep the cold air through. We hung a sheet over it, and it helped some but last night it was just so cold outside!

Today's photo is one of Talon, freshly awake, examining a kix puff. He was so intent on it and just very cute, that I snapped a photo. I love pictures of natural poses and things that children normally do. Granted, some posed photos are very cute too.

Day ten:

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 9/365

Oh my word it is cold out there tonight! When I left work at 9, I had to go and get gas... I did not want to be out in the freezing weather pumping gas! I wish there were full service stations around here! LOL Now, I am from Wyoming but let me tell you... I have gotten used to the warm climate of Florida. It's already "natural" to me. Though the weather we are having here now is nothing compared to the -30s my sister and family in Wyoming is experiences, it is still super cold to me here! Tonight's wind chill is dropping us to about 17! That is freezing for Florida, I don't care what anyone says! I dressed Talon in two pairs of pjs and socks! LOL I want him to stay warm that's for sure.

I took several pictures today. [I'm noticing this project has me using my camera to capture a lot more pictures than I normally would. However, I used to take lots of pictures anyway! lol] The picture for today definitely seems fitting. I call it "settled in for a long winter's nap."

Day Nine:

Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 8/365

Ah, finally I am at home, baby and hubby into bed, I'm showered and now spending a little me time before I head off to bed as well. It's been a long, exhausting day today since I didn't feel well last night and hardly slept, then spent most of the day at The Pizza Shop.

Boy is it COLD out there!! It's suppose to be 16 tomorrow night [with windchill] and a chance of some light snow! WOW!! In Florida?! LOL


We had some play time this morning. Today was one of the days where I was able to bring Talon with me to work. There is a playroom at the shop since my sister (owner) has her 13 month old there every evening, along with her 10 and 13 year old children. When Kenny's schedule mixes with mine, I have Talon with me. It's a love hate situation for me. I love having him with me. It's nice knowing for a fact that he is ok. And it's nice just having that time with him too. Yet, it's so hard on him being there sometimes. He doesn't understand why he is there, in the playroom and that mommy is out in the other area. He's too little. Plus, sometimes it makes it harder for me to do a good job at work knowing he is needing/wanting me. Regardless, this is life right now. Anyway, today was one of the days he came with me until Kenny picked him up at 6:30 tonight. Which meant that we had little playtime together at home before we left. I love the time we get together. I think I always will. Our [his] favorite toy right now is definitely the tunnel that came with his tent/tunnel set from his Aunt Joyce [Kenny's sister]. He plays with it a lot. It's fun to encourage him to go through it faster and faster. And just to do different things with him/it. This is what today's picture is... another tunnel picture! lol Be prepared for more as the weeks go on. LOL I entitled this "Look Down On Me!"

Day Eight:

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 7/365

We're trying to adapt to a new routine, some what. Since Talon is home with Kenny more evenings in a week than I am, we're doing a little changing up. I miss out on a lot not being here and I am a little selfish I guess. The thing we're changing now is bath time. It used to be before bed, but it's overly stressful for Kenny. He is worried that Talon may get hurt and he doesn't listen too well in the tub. I even worry that he'll fall before I can quickly, yet safely, get him seated in the tub after he's stood up. To make things easier on Kenny and Talon [and myself!] we moved it to the day time. I am now giving Talon a bath right after I get dressed for work. This typically means he isn't able to just lounge and play a long time. He loves his bath time, where he can just play and splash though. If I happen to have more time, then I can let him spend more time in the tub. Today, I specifically made sure he had time to enjoy his bath. He probably would have stayed much longer had I let him though! I took some pictures, he was being too cute and so silly! I've picked one for today's picture!

Day Seven:

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 6/365

I decorated up my blog a little... makes it a little more me. =)

Boy, is it cold here in Florida! The low tonight is suppose to be 27 where I am located! That is not what I imagine weather in Florida being like. Go figure though!

We spend most of our days indoors, especially when it is so cold outside. So we have tried to have a good stock pile of toys to keep Talon busy and having fun. Since I watch his cousin Aiden, who happens to be just three months younger than Talon, we definitely need a lot of toys! With having two babies together, we are strongly working on sharing. Talon usually does really good with this but there are times when he is not so happy about it. The past week or so I have really been working on it with him. I am not sure how much he grasp of it right now though, but I figure it doesn't hurt to try, right? Today, I was so happy and proud when Talon walked over to me and wanted to share his toy. Afterwards, when I had gave it back to him he walked away with a big smile on his face. He then kept offering it to me. I think he understands some what and I am a very proud momma!

Today, during his offerings of his toy, I snapped a picture and that is what I have decided to use for todays 365 picture.

Day six:

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 5/365

Ah, what a day. First day back to "normal"... first day back to work. I really enjoyed Sunday where it was just me and Talon. We spent the day together just hanging out and having fun together at home. I was "on call" at work, but I figured I wasn't getting called in. Luckily I didn't. Then Monday I was off and spent the day out and about (as my last post stated). I love spending time with him and just being with him. Sometimes he doesn't want to play with me, or sit with me. Many times he doesn't want me to bother him. Those times are just great because I am justthere. I hate leaving him to go to work. Since work is something new to us since I became a mommy, it's a huge adjustment. We're approaching a month of me working and can you believe it is still so very hard for me to leave him? Good thing I am just leaving him with his daddy because otherwise I am sure it'd be even harder. We're adjusting, slowly but surely. I don't cry as often when I am leaving him, but I always feel so close to tears. It's not something I want to do, but to try and help better our life, it is something I must do. Anyway, before leaving to work I try and spend as much time as possible with him. I think he knows when I am getting ready to leave too. He sees me do my routine. He'll come to me and want to sit with me, and cuddle with me. These are the moments that are the hardest. I always promise him I'll be back (and I do pray I always return.) and that I love him so much.

Today, before I left we spent some quality time together hanging out on my bed. Just me and him, oh and his sippy cup of milk... He was so loving, so silly and just my little boy. God, I love him.

Day Five:

Day 4/365

I am a few hours late on posting for day four. But with good reason. LOL After visiting with Jolene last night, I traveled with a sleepy toddler the 45 minutes home. Shortly into the trip Talon fell asleep and I started calling my husband. He was suppose to answer his phone so that he could make sure the deadbolt wasn't locked. We don't have a key to it and get locked out often. [We live with family.] He never answered his phone. I called him about 25 times during my route home and text him another 10 or so. My battery started to die on my cell so I called my sister Keri, who lives 2000 miles away to have her try and reach Kenny. Once my phone dies, I'd have no communication to the inside. Needless to say she never got a hold of him. When I arrived home, after climbing into the freezing weather (I'd say around 30 degrees out there!) and grabbing Talon from the car, wrapped him in his warm blanket, we headed to the front door. I prayed the whole walk up that some how the door wouldn't be locked. I turned the handle... locked. I use the key to the door and whispered a prayer out loud that the deadbolt wouldn't be locked. No such luck. Locked out. I knocked softly but loud enough that whoever was in the living room should have heard, since the tv was on I figured someone was awake. Nope. I knocked a few more times. After no luck, I text and called everyone in the house. Nobody answered or replied. It was nearing midnight. I had been standing outside, with Talon wrapped in a blanket, and inside my jacket, knocking for at least ten minutes before I softly (as softly as you can) rang the doorbell. You'd think someone would come to the door, right? Wrong. I knocked and rang the doorbell a few more times over the next fifteen minutes. Then, worried and angry, I called my sister Keri again. She still hadn't reached Kenny. She told me that if nobody came I needed to get in the car with the heat on and just wait it out. Not something I wanted to do. I had to use the bathroom and I had no more diapers with me for Talon, and I knew he was soon going to need changed. It was so cold and my emotions overtook me. I began to cry. I kept thinking to myself "how can I call this home when I get locked out all the time..." I was angry. I was fuming angry at my husband. He knew I was going to be calling him to let me in. I made sure to tell him about it before I left. Why wasn't he answering?! Finally, in a last ditch effort I ran the doorbell three times in a row. As I was getting ready to head back to the car, I see my sister come down the stairs finally. She didn't look too happy, but I know I wasn't too happy at all. Once, I was inside I laid Talon down, woke up my husband and gave him a piece of my mind, and went to the bathroom. Then I headed downstairs to do the dishes that I was on duty for. It was 12:20 when I went back upstairs, exhausted, cold, and angry. I changed Talon's diaper, put him in warm pjs and back in bed and then I got myself ready for bed.

So this whole ordeal of being locked outside in the freezing cold for nearly an hour, basically left me to where I just couldn't get online. I just needed to curl into bed and go to sleep. Here we are, about ten hours late... my photo.

Talon waiting patiently at Kohls yesterday, where he got "Mr. Orange" (we don't know the name of the character so we just call him that lol)

Day Four:

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 3/365

I guess I'll be one that posts my photos late in the evening, barely sneaking in before midnight, like tonights post. I thought I was going to get it done early afternoon but I worked on a newsletter instead. Go figure.

Talon is a picky eater. Some days he eats well, others not so well. And lately, it's been more of the not so well. Yet, I found out that he really likes chicken nuggets. [For now that is.] I bought some and we'll hopefully get to finish the whole box. Right now he eats 2-3 chicken nuggets at a meal. Yesterday he ate almost 3 chicken nuggets and a dish of the baby apples/carrots from parents choice. Today, he ate 2 chicken nuggets and most of a small banana for lunch. Then at dinner, I offered him chicken nuggets after he refused to eat some of my sandwich and he ate 1 1/2 nuggets. He turned down anything else. So he was given some carnation instant breakfast in his sippy cup of milk before bed. I definitely don't want to send him to bed hungry. Today when he was chowing down on his chicken nugget, I decided to snap a picture. Since it's such a feat for him to eat, a victory if you will... I wanted to capture the moment!

Day three:

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I've decided with a little encouragement from a friend (Jolene) that I'm going to full heartedly try the Project 365 this year. I look back on what 2009 has held for me and my family, and the pictures that were taken... It is amazing to see. My son changes daily (or so it seems) since he is just 15 1/2 months old. I love taking photos of him for the purpose of scrap booking them but, you guessed it, that doesn't seem to happen! I don't have any supplies here to actually scrap book, but it is something I want to get back into doing. Anyway, I can definitely try and take/post a picture each day for the year 2010. And I might also attempt to scrap weekly... that will be the tough part. Unless, I try to look more into the digital scrap booking. I just don't seem to get that. And when I did a page and tried to print it, it didn't come out right at all. So what is a girl to do??

Anyway, here's the start of my blog for project 365! I hope to get the blog all cute and personalized soon...

Picture number one: