Kenny picked Talon up at the pizza shop on his way home from work. When Talon saw him, he blew him kisses. Kenny swooped him up into his arms and Talon rested his head on his shoulder. It was absolutely the cutest moment of the day! Sad for me too, in a way. Because they were going home together and leaving me behind. But, that's life. I'm glad Talon got to come home. Kenny took care of him and when I came home about 3 hours later, Talon was sleeping and content. I changed him into pjs since Daddy didn't. He was just too tired tonight (both really lol but I meant Kenny) to mess with a bath and pjs and the sort. He did give Talon a clean diaper and a sippy of milk with carnation instant breakfast in it. I cuddled with Talon a little before putting him back into his bed. I cherish those moments of content cuddles. My baby boy is growing up... getting so big!
Today's photo is one of his hand in mine...
Day twenty-eight:

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