Talon is 17 months old today and he can count to 3! I am very proud! =)
Oh my word... my son is just becoming more and more of a handful. He definitely is being my little monkey lately. Climbing everything, and I do mean everything! I often wonder what he will possible learn to climb next. It's scary, and at the same time exciting. I am impressed with him and his abilities, yet I know how dangerous what he is doing is. I'm sure climbing and all the like is typical toddler boy behavior, but goodness... will he ever just relax and play with his toys?!LOL
Today, I placed him into his bed [the pack-n-play he uses] and went to put Aiden [his 15 month old cousin] down in his crib for a nap, I snuck into the bathroom for a quick potty break. When I came back into the room I found Talon out of his bed, and into a box! A big box that is up high. We created a barricade a while back to stop him from getting to the tv and such. It's made of a few boxes, and a comforter set that is still in the bag. Just items to keep him out. Well, he now likes to play IN the big (top) box. I guess I am taking that barricade down tomorrow! {or soon anyway}
I snapped a picture of the lil monkey devil... that is today's photo.
Day forty-four:

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