Good Evening!
It's about 8 PM on Sunday evening and I've had a really good day. It started off not so great with Talon waking up bright and early at 6:20 this morning! I felt unrested since I was up late and didn't go to bed until around 12:30. We were planning to be at the shop early since Kenny had to work early and again, the one car system got in the way. My sister Michele told me not to worry about coming in today. That they could handle it and if it got way busy they could always call me in. Worked for me! And then she said they were taking Aiden... which meant that today would be MINE. With just me and Talon. I absolutely love days like this. The time I get to spend with him and only him... it's priceless. Just as he is priceless to me!
I was going to just stay home all day. Do some laundry and cleaning a little. But then I decided to ride in with Kenny to work and I'd hit the mall for a little bit. We left the house without the stroller.. (doh!) I really need to get a new small one too. So first I headed to Walmart to see what they might have for cheap. I scored, or so I thought!, a pretty nice umbrella stroller for just $15. You know the saying "you get what you pay for"? Yeah...definitely true with this. It was a complete piece of crap. I couldn't even use it. Talon is still a little too small for it. Granted him being small isn't the stroller's fault. But the crappy wheels that wouldn't even rotate/spin like they were needing to, and the sharp pokey handles... those are all the design flaws on the stroller. It was easier to just carry him and then let him walk. Which, I don't mind letting him walk, he just doesn't do well at it yet. He wants to stop and look at everything AND everyone. It takes forever to get any one place. LOL He's still cute. So I am taking that stroller back tomorrow. Screw it. So much for cheap. LOL Regardless of not having a good/working stroller, Talon and I shared a wonderful day. I hit some sales at Sears and was able to pick up a few shirts for Talon for around $2.39 each. I still only got 4 since we are always watching money. I looked and looked for blanket sleepers that would/could fit him and were affordable... no such luck. Go figure.
I didn't bring my camera today. Why, I do not know. I guess I just spaced it. And today's picture isn't the best, but it's the only picture I took lol. So it is the post for today. Talon sporting his new rubber-style sunglasses. Too cute!
Day seventeen:

What a rockstar! ;)