It's late (when did 11:00 become late to me?! lol) and I'm tired. I just want to go to bed and sleep,but I have a few things I want/need to take care of online first. This post being one of them.
Today's picture is a great one to show my typical little man Talon. He was taking a nap and I had went to the bathroom. When I came back into the room I hear in his absolutely adorable voice "hiiii" so I said "What are you doing? What did you get into?" and he peeks over to see me better... and I saw it. He had got into the box of chocolates I splurged on for myself. He had ate a whole one and was working on number two when I came back into the room. LOL He is such a sneaky little boy!! I didn't get mad, I actually found it rather cute. Moments like these I realize he is indeed my son!
Yes, is was still wearing his pjs from the night before. I let him lounge until after his morning nap. LOL
Day twenty-six:

Aww, how can you get mad at that face?