For Monday, January 18, 2009
Woke up and found out that my sister had plans with her kids, so I wasn't going with her to run errands like I had thought. Which was fine with me. That left me with a free day and since Kenny was also off of work, I decided to go to Fort Myers to visit my mother in law and sister in law. Just Talon and I! The trip was great, and I had a wonderful time like usual. I hate that it's always so short though. Maybe one of these days I can stay for two or three days. But this short trip was still fun and I am glad I went. I'll be back there in a month (little over a month) to celebrate my birthday. Yes, my birthday is in January and not February but I have some appointments coming up that I can't miss on the the 1st and 7th, then there's Valentine's Day and they'll be out of town. So Feb. 21st/22nd is what looks to work out.
During the trip, Talon started to not feel well. Early evening he just wasn't himself and he woke up crying and just uncomfortable, with a fever and stuffy nose. I had to run out for children's medicine for him, since I left his here. I just kept him in bed with me last night, which didn't matter anyway because he was up so often I got maybe 2 hours of sleep. I am exhausted today! And I can't wait for bed time already!! LOL
Monday's picture is of something that I love... my ever so old, laptop! It does a lot for me, gives me a lot too, including pains in the butt sometimes! LOL *Gasp* I know it's not a picture of Talon! LOL Don't worry... the next picture posted will be. =)
Day eighteen:

Its forgivable! Nice to see how you communicate, haha!