Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 9/365

Oh my word it is cold out there tonight! When I left work at 9, I had to go and get gas... I did not want to be out in the freezing weather pumping gas! I wish there were full service stations around here! LOL Now, I am from Wyoming but let me tell you... I have gotten used to the warm climate of Florida. It's already "natural" to me. Though the weather we are having here now is nothing compared to the -30s my sister and family in Wyoming is experiences, it is still super cold to me here! Tonight's wind chill is dropping us to about 17! That is freezing for Florida, I don't care what anyone says! I dressed Talon in two pairs of pjs and socks! LOL I want him to stay warm that's for sure.

I took several pictures today. [I'm noticing this project has me using my camera to capture a lot more pictures than I normally would. However, I used to take lots of pictures anyway! lol] The picture for today definitely seems fitting. I call it "settled in for a long winter's nap."

Day Nine: