Talon got some clothes from Aunt Joyce for Christmas. In those clothes, were a pair of pjs. They are size 2T so really, really, big on him. But the other night he brought them to me and wanted to wear them. I tried to take them and put them up (they were in a box with his bigger "to grow into" clothing" but he cried and cried. He wanted them. So to appease him I put them on him. Though they are real big, he could wear them. And he was so happy and proud to have them. Apparently, they are a favorite of his. Because when I got home from work tonight, I found him sleeping cutely in these pjs again. Apparently, he got daddy to put him in them tonight too. They have to get washed tomorrow!! LOL
Too stinkin cute though! Thank you Aunt Joyce if you are reading this!
Day twenty-three:

Those are cute PJs! He will grow into them :)