For Friday, February 12, 2010
Today is my niece Lynsey's 16th birthday! Unfortunately, I am many miles away and unable to be there to celebrate with them. But I do wish her a very great year and many more happy years to come as well!
My cutie pie... He is so loving and sweet when I come home from work. Tonight he was sleeping and had fallen asleep before daddy was able to change him into pjs. Of course out of fear of waking him up, daddy doesn't mess with it and leaves it for me to do. I don't mind at all. I enjoy being able to cuddle with him a little when I get home. Tonight after changing him, he woke up for a little bit (about 20 minutes) and we just cuddled together on the bed. He was in a very loving mood and giving me all kinds of kisses and smiles! I loved it.
That's today's picture. One I took of our loving quality time late at night.
Day forty-three:

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