Ah, Monday...
I am feeling better but not 100% yet. It's been a rough sickness. I dreaded when Kenny had to go to work this morning. Since that meant I was home to take care of Talon alone. He did real good and let me lay in bed, but I wanted to sleep and I obviously couldn't. There was a period where he was overly tired and throwing fits. Around 10:30 he napped and that was heaven for me because I was feeling well enough that sleep came easily for me and didn't have any issues to wake up for. Around 12:30 he was up and playing. I tried to play with him some but that's hard to do. I think it was around 1:30 when my sister came up and took him downstairs for a while to play with Aiden. That gave me a little time to relax and try to kick this. When Kenny got home from work he brought Talon back up. It's just been one of those days. My only day off gone to a stomach bug... how unfair!
Today's picture is one I snapped of Talon throwing one of his lovely fits. LOL
Day thirty-two:

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