Ok, now that I'm all caught up on PODs... I can write this blog post.
I got so off track since being sick and just a lot of stuff. I've been real tired so I haven't had time for posting. Plus, I am working on a project (was two) that takes some of my online time. Hopefully I can stick with it and stay on top of it now.
I notice that since doing POD I don't really take any random photos like before and I miss that. I am always worrying about making sure I capture my POD, that I don't just pull out the camera for fun moments. In my "monthly" Talon folder I have VERY few pictures. This isn't normal. I'm going to have to figure a way to change this. But it's hard. I don't know why, it just is.
I always tell people that Talon is a dare-devil. He does things you wouldn't think he'd do. And he is PROUD of himself for doing them. I constantly tell his Grandma Dee Dee "if you saw what he did at home, you'd die..." and she would! I was able to capture one of the moments. It's not the most daring or scary thing he does, but still dangerous. This is Talon though. LOL
Day thirty-seven:

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