Ah, finally I am at home, baby and hubby into bed, I'm showered and now spending a little me time before I head off to bed as well. It's been a long, exhausting day today since I didn't feel well last night and hardly slept, then spent most of the day at The Pizza Shop.
Boy is it COLD out there!! It's suppose to be 16 tomorrow night [with windchill] and a chance of some light snow! WOW!! In Florida?! LOL
Day Eight:
We had some play time this morning. Today was one of the days where I was able to bring Talon with me to work. There is a playroom at the shop since my sister (owner) has her 13 month old there every evening, along with her 10 and 13 year old children. When Kenny's schedule mixes with mine, I have Talon with me. It's a love hate situation for me. I love having him with me. It's nice knowing for a fact that he is ok. And it's nice just having that time with him too. Yet, it's so hard on him being there sometimes. He doesn't understand why he is there, in the playroom and that mommy is out in the other area. He's too little. Plus, sometimes it makes it harder for me to do a good job at work knowing he is needing/wanting me. Regardless, this is life right now. Anyway, today was one of the days he came with me until Kenny picked him up at 6:30 tonight. Which meant that we had little playtime together at home before we left. I love the time we get together. I think I always will. Our [his] favorite toy right now is definitely the tunnel that came with his tent/tunnel set from his Aunt Joyce [Kenny's sister]. He plays with it a lot. It's fun to encourage him to go through it faster and faster. And just to do different things with him/it. This is what today's picture is... another tunnel picture! lol Be prepared for more as the weeks go on. LOL I entitled this "Look Down On Me!"
Day Eight:

LOL! That's a cute shot! Hes kind of like, huh?