I am a
few hours late on posting for day four. But with good reason. LOL After visiting with Jolene last night, I traveled with a sleepy toddler the 45 minutes home. Shortly into the trip Talon fell asleep and I started calling my husband. He was suppose to answer his phone so that he could make sure the deadbolt wasn't locked. We don't have a key to it and get locked out often. [We live with family.] He never answered his phone. I called him about 25 times during my route home and text him another 10 or so. My battery started to die on my cell so I called my sister Keri, who lives 2000 miles away to have her try and reach Kenny. Once my phone dies, I'd have no communication to the inside. Needless to say she never got a hold of him. When I arrived home, after climbing into the freezing weather (I'd say around 30 degrees out there!) and grabbing Talon from the car, wrapped him in his warm blanket, we headed to the front door. I prayed the whole walk up that some how the door wouldn't be locked. I turned the handle... locked. I use the key to the door and whispered a prayer out loud that the deadbolt wouldn't be locked. No such luck. Locked out. I knocked softly but loud enough that whoever was in the living room should have heard, since the tv was on I figured someone was awake. Nope. I knocked a few more times. After no luck, I text and called everyone in the house. Nobody answered or replied. It was nearing midnight. I had been standing outside, with Talon wrapped in a blanket, and inside my jacket, knocking for at least ten minutes before I softly (as softly as you can) rang the doorbell. You'd think someone would come to the door, right? Wrong. I knocked and rang the doorbell a few more times over the next fifteen minutes. Then, worried and angry, I called my sister Keri again. She still hadn't reached Kenny. She told me that if nobody came I needed to get in the car with the heat on and just wait it out. Not something I wanted to do. I had to use the bathroom and I had no more diapers with me for Talon, and I knew he was soon going to need changed. It was so cold and my emotions overtook me. I began to cry. I kept thinking to myself "
how can I call this home when I get locked out all the time..." I was angry. I was fuming angry at my husband. He knew I was going to be calling him to let me in. I made sure to tell him about it
before I left. Why wasn't he answering?! Finally, in a last ditch effort I ran the doorbell three times in a row. As I was getting ready to head back to the car, I see my sister come down the stairs finally. She didn't look too happy, but I know I wasn't too happy at all. Once, I was inside I laid Talon down, woke up my husband and gave him a piece of my mind, and went to the bathroom. Then I headed downstairs to do the dishes that I was on duty for. It was 12:20 when I went back upstairs, exhausted, cold, and angry. I changed Talon's diaper, put him in warm pjs and back in bed and then I got myself ready for bed.
So this whole ordeal of being locked outside in the freezing cold for nearly an hour, basically left me to where I just couldn't get online. I just needed to curl into bed and go to sleep. Here we are, about ten hours late... my photo.
Talon waiting patiently at Kohls yesterday, where he got "Mr. Orange" (we don't know the name of the character so we just call him that lol)
Day Four: