Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 59/365

I know I have skipped many days, and I will be posting pictures on the days I did take photos.

I however, want to post for today and what better day to restart on?

We're binky breaking Talon and it's going rather well considering some issues we've had come up. Today we reached a very positive milestone as well. Talon took his first nap without a binky! He didn't cry, fuss or whine for one. He didn't even seem to notice it wasn't there! I was so proud of him. He's growing up so fast and turning into such a big boy!

Todays picture is one I took of him right after he fell asleep for his nap today, binky-free!

Day fifty-nine:

Fallen Off

I have fallen off the Project 365 Wagon, and I was doing so good too! Ugh.

But I do want to try and continue from here at least. And I do have some pictures over the past two-three weeks that I've taken, so I will see what dates I have and post them here as well.

Maybe everyday is too much for me with everything that is going on in my life. I'm going to try and stay on track though.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 44/365

Talon is 17 months old today and he can count to 3! I am very proud! =)


Oh my word... my son is just becoming more and more of a handful. He definitely is being my little monkey lately. Climbing everything, and I do mean everything! I often wonder what he will possible learn to climb next. It's scary, and at the same time exciting. I am impressed with him and his abilities, yet I know how dangerous what he is doing is. I'm sure climbing and all the like is typical toddler boy behavior, but goodness... will he ever just relax and play with his toys?!LOL

Today, I placed him into his bed [the pack-n-play he uses] and went to put Aiden [his 15 month old cousin] down in his crib for a nap, I snuck into the bathroom for a quick potty break. When I came back into the room I found Talon out of his bed, and into a box! A big box that is up high. We created a barricade a while back to stop him from getting to the tv and such. It's made of a few boxes, and a comforter set that is still in the bag. Just items to keep him out. Well, he now likes to play IN the big (top) box. I guess I am taking that barricade down tomorrow! {or soon anyway}

I snapped a picture of the lil monkey devil... that is today's photo.

Day forty-four:

Day 43/365

For Friday, February 12, 2010

Today is my niece Lynsey's 16th birthday! Unfortunately, I am many miles away and unable to be there to celebrate with them. But I do wish her a very great year and many more happy years to come as well!

My cutie pie... He is so loving and sweet when I come home from work. Tonight he was sleeping and had fallen asleep before daddy was able to change him into pjs. Of course out of fear of waking him up, daddy doesn't mess with it and leaves it for me to do. I don't mind at all. I enjoy being able to cuddle with him a little when I get home. Tonight after changing him, he woke up for a little bit (about 20 minutes) and we just cuddled together on the bed. He was in a very loving mood and giving me all kinds of kisses and smiles! I loved it.

That's today's picture. One I took of our loving quality time late at night.

Day forty-three:

Day 42/365

For Thursday, February 11, 2010

Photo/description to come soon. I have to get the photos off my cell phone which I don't have with me at the moment. =)

Day 41/365

For Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Photo/description to come soon. I have to get the photos off my cell phone which I don't have with me at the moment. =)

Day 40/365

For Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Photo/description to come soon. I have to get the photos off my cell phone which I don't have with me at the moment. =)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 39/365

For Monday, February 8, 2010

We had an eventful day today. Talon had his first visit with his new doctor. Finally, after months of trying to get affordable insurance coverage, he has it. I really like his doctor and I think he'll be a good fit for us. We learned that Talon is small and I mean, real small. He's only 18 1/2 pounds and he should be around 25 pounds. He is "great" for height at 31 inches. But he has a small head too. Which his weight and head size concern the doctor, but we're waiting for records to be transferred so he can get an idea of Talon's size at birth and such. It's stressful for me.

Anyway, today's picture is just of him... in his old car seat, since we went with Aunt Chele today.

Day thirty-nine:

Day 38/365

For Sunday, February 7, 2010

When Talon is sleeping in my arms, I love to just watch him. I enjoy just gazing at him and knowing he is mine. Safe and secure, in my arms at that moment. Nothing else matters. I tend to "look him over" real well too. I exam his little eyelashes, his nose and ears. I look at his hands and tiny fingers. He has grown so much in the [almost] 17 months he has been on this earth, yet he is still so very small.

Today's picture is of his tiny little hand...

Day thirty-eight:

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 37/365

Ok, now that I'm all caught up on PODs... I can write this blog post.

I got so off track since being sick and just a lot of stuff. I've been real tired so I haven't had time for posting. Plus, I am working on a project (was two) that takes some of my online time. Hopefully I can stick with it and stay on top of it now.

I notice that since doing POD I don't really take any random photos like before and I miss that. I am always worrying about making sure I capture my POD, that I don't just pull out the camera for fun moments. In my "monthly" Talon folder I have VERY few pictures. This isn't normal. I'm going to have to figure a way to change this. But it's hard. I don't know why, it just is.

I always tell people that Talon is a dare-devil. He does things you wouldn't think he'd do. And he is PROUD of himself for doing them. I constantly tell his Grandma Dee Dee "if you saw what he did at home, you'd die..." and she would! I was able to capture one of the moments. It's not the most daring or scary thing he does, but still dangerous. This is Talon though. LOL

Day thirty-seven:

Day 36/365

For Friday, February 5, 2010

One of Talon's favorite toys is his ride on toy. He got this for his birthday and used it some but I guess he never really enjoyed it a lot. Then he could only go backwards and even that was tough to do on the carpet. Now, however, he can go forwards, backwards, all over the place and rather quickly with ease. So he truly enjoys the toy. I catch him playing on it often.

Today's photo is just on him playing on the toy early in the morning.

Day thirty-six:

Day 35/365

For Thursday, February 4, 2010

When I leave my son with my husband I never truly know what will happen. I am pretty sure he'll do an alright job with him and I always know my son will survive. And I always know that it will not be done like I do it, never. It doesn't make how daddy does it wrong, it just makes itdifferent. Though sometimes this does upset me and I wish he'd do it more my way and follow what I've told him. It's good for both of them to have this time together though. Since I work now, it's an adjustment we've all had to go through and well, are still going through.

Today's photo shares just this. When I came home Thursday night from work I found my son sleeping in his bed. Yet he was not dressed in pjs like I had asked him to be. He was also not wearing what I left him in, at least not all of what I left him in. LOL Daddy shared a cheese puff with Talon and he got it all over his shirt. This resulted in daddy changing him. He said he put the first shirt that didn't snap at the bottom on him. This shirt did not matched what so ever. My little boy looked like he had dressed himself. LOL It was truly funny, and cute. It made me realize that yes, daddy does it different but at least he did dress my baby...

Day thirty-five:

Day 34/365

For Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My [almost] 17 month old son likes to think he is 3 or 4 years old, and he is often stretching his limits. My fear is always that he will end up hurt. And that happens a lot. I hear it's part of being a parent to a little boy and that I should get used to it. I don't know if I ever will get used to it though. Talon is great at giving me hugs, kisses. He gives me such joy and happiness but in the same sense he also gives me such heartache when he nearly causes me to have a heart attack! He's testing his boundaries and limits with climbing lately. Pretty much if he can possibly climb it, he does or at least tries! Sometimes it doesn't end too well though.

Like today's photo. He climbed on the couch and tried to stretch over to open the door. Yet, he is not big enough to do so and he took a tumble. It was a pretty nasty fall since he landed on his ride on toy and bounced off! I was so shocked when he only had a small scratch/swollen red eye after such a fall.

Day thirty-four:

Day 33/365

For Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Talon enjoys books more now than before. He doesn't often let me read to him, and if he does it's a very rare moment we make it completely through a book. However, he enjoys his Zoe books that came with his reading system from Vtec that Aunt Keri got him for his birthday. He will sit andread them all the time now. He sometimes will use the system/toy with the books but lately he'd rather just hold the book himself. It's truly cute to see such a little guy enjoying a book.

Today's picture is one I captured of him reading his book.

Day thirty-three:

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 32/365

Ah, Monday...

I am feeling better but not 100% yet. It's been a rough sickness. I dreaded when Kenny had to go to work this morning. Since that meant I was home to take care of Talon alone. He did real good and let me lay in bed, but I wanted to sleep and I obviously couldn't. There was a period where he was overly tired and throwing fits. Around 10:30 he napped and that was heaven for me because I was feeling well enough that sleep came easily for me and didn't have any issues to wake up for. Around 12:30 he was up and playing. I tried to play with him some but that's hard to do. I think it was around 1:30 when my sister came up and took him downstairs for a while to play with Aiden. That gave me a little time to relax and try to kick this. When Kenny got home from work he brought Talon back up. It's just been one of those days. My only day off gone to a stomach bug... how unfair!

Today's picture is one I snapped of Talon throwing one of his lovely fits. LOL

Day thirty-two:

Day 31/365

For Sunday, January 31, 2010

After a long night out partying for my 30th birthday, I woke up feeling pretty good. Then come afternoon and I started feeling horrible. I caught the horrific stomach bug that hit this house a week (to almost two weeks) ago. Ugh. It is so hard to handle too. The first 24 hours are unreal. You seriously feel like you are dying. I'm on the mend now though and hoping to be much better soon.

Today's photo is one of my glasses. LOL I don't know why, but I felt like taking it. So these are what I see with everyday...

Day thirty-one:

Day 30/365

For Saturday, January 30, 2010

I'm 30!

To celebrate turning 30, I went out to City Walk with Jolene, my sister and BIL. We had a good time. I had a blast actually. I enjoyed the dancing and I even found a new drink I like, thanks to Jolene! I missed those in Wyoming that I'd normally be celebrating a birthday with though. You were all in my heart and thoughts for sure!! Since I wasn't sure how responsible I'd be with my camera out while drinking and having a good time, I left the picture taking up to Jolene. And since the day was my birthday, I figured naturally the picture for the day should be of me... Once Jolene get's the pictures to me (take your time girl!) I'll pick one and share it. =)